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More pics and vids

Hello tripawd nation!

Just adding some more pics and vids, ’cause I know ya’ll like that kind of thing ๐Ÿ™‚

Jet in crate

This is the picture Jeri sent me. How could I resist those eyes??


Jet posing

Jet recently, posing next to a picture of him when I got him.


Jet box

Yay, boxes and papers!


Jet in action.



Jet demonstrating that he is just about as quick as a four-legger.

6 Responses to “More pics and vids”

  1. Purrkins says:

    OMC Brad you have 2 of the same scratchers we do;) Both of our guys love the pet fusion one! They actually sleep on that one! Oh yes paper bags and paper are the best aren’t they!! How do they like the ripple rug? I cut the holes a little bigger on the rug so the boys could get thru it easier;) That was before Purrkins lost weight ! They love their ripple rug! If you haven’t tried YEOWWW catnip or toys yet do! They will go more crazy!! Our guys smell it when it comes in the box!! There is a huge difference in the Yeoww toys! Our guys get wound up on the catnip and then sometimes have a tiff! So heads up;) Looks like they are getting along hope things have gotten better!
    Noway you could resist Jet that was meant to be!! They both were meant to be!!
    I still can’t believe you have 2 tuxedos kitties! ๐Ÿ˜ธ๐Ÿ˜บ
    I want to try the tunnels that’s next on our get list;)
    Thanks for the fun pictures & videos of Jet & Jery
    Give both of them a chin & ear scratch from us!
    Holly, Purrkins & tuxedo Saxton;)โค๏ธ

    • Jet says:

      Ya the pet fusion scratcher is great. Makes a good footstool too! ๐Ÿ˜›
      The ripple rug is ok. Sometimes they play on/in it, but most times they either lie on it or use the ripples to hide behind (so they can ambush the other lol).
      I’ll def have to try that Yeowww stuff! I think they’re kinda bored with what I have now. And yes, they get along fairly well now. Just certain places are contested territory, like the living room. Sometimes it’s hard to tell if they are fighting or playing, but I’ve never seen any blood or wounds, so I usually just let them go at it. Cheap entertainment! If I get some Yeowww I’ll be sure to videorecord it ๐Ÿ™‚
      The tunnel thing is worth a try. I don’t have it out now, mainly because my living room is getting crowded lol. The one negative of the tunnels is it’s really lightweight. Jery got a claw caught in it once and dragged it across the house ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Maybe I’ll try to pin it down or something. Actually the best “toy” is the rug! I usually curl it up into a tube, or wrap an end over those “s” scratchers, and they love that ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Jet says:

      Holly, I found a local shop that sells Yeowww products, so I went and bought a banana, a rainbow, and a bag of nip. Here’s the verdict:
      Jet: ๐Ÿ™
      Jery: ๐Ÿ™
      Oh, I got a bag of bonito flakes too:
      Jet ๐Ÿ™‚
      Jery ๐Ÿ™

      • Purrkins says:

        Holy smokes 2 ๐Ÿ˜Ÿon Yeoooow toys ?!?!?!?!?!? Wow I am amazed our guys go nuts over them! I have to wonder if they were old or something ? Nip bag it had to be fresh?!? I order ours on Amazon and they both smell them in the box or envelope they go nuts when it enters the house!! I can hardly get the package open so yeah Iโ€™m shocked! Let me know it it changes?

        Well at least we got ๐Ÿ™‚Jet Yay with the Bonitio Flakes did you get the CatManDoo there is some difference ? The price is different too which isn’t great!

        Jery not a fish fan, Maybe try the chicken CatManDoo;)Life Essentials For Jery If those don’t work I wont be making recommendations ๐Ÿค

  2. superkylie says:

    wow great pics and video!! Jet is one cool cat!!

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